Review 60: Tame Impala (Currents)
Chuck is back with another review 60, this time around he is reviewing Currents by Tame Impala, which Chuck describes as a “band but not a band” since Tame Impala is actually only one person, Kevin Parker, who writes, produces, performs, and records all his own songs. Chuck describes how the album brings out a lot of psych-pop and psychedelic type music in general which makes it sound like Parker is “sleepwalking” through every track. While some describe Tame Impala as vaporwave, Chuck disagrees, citing the hard baseline in the song The less I know the better (which has received fame from social media such as tik tok) and other elements included in the album like 70’s soft rock and some psychedelic elements mixed together to make it sound “poppy” since it was mixed like an R&B or hip hop album as proof otherwise. Chuck says some of his favorite tracks on the album include eventually, The less I know the better, new person, same old mistakes, and let it happen. Chuck says that while this isn’t a perfect record due to a lot of filler, it is one of Tame Impala’s best records, and gives it an 8.4 out of 10.

Chuck Luarasi, is currently a senior at Holbrook Middle-High School. He has been apart of the Video Production program since the 6th Grade and is currently...