2020 Graduate Spotlight: Caroline Duggan
“I love this school because there are so many different things to do…you’re not just confined to one aspect or club”. -Caroline Duggan

September 29, 2020
By senior year, most seniors devote themselves to only one or two extracurricular activities. Caroline Duggan is not one of those seniors. As a matter of fact, there’s a good chance that you first heard Caroline Duggan’s name through her involvement throughout HMHS. And when you heard her name, it was probably “Duggan” and not “Caroline”.
As a member of the softball team, girls varsity soccer team, Code Blue News, yearbook club, stage crew, and student government, Caroline Duggan is a textbook definition of versatility.
For the past 2 years, Caroline has been the active vice president for the student council. “I suppose the activity I’m the most involved in, and do the most things for, would be student council. I feel like I’m always helping Gal with projects.”
But that is only one of Caroline’s responsibilities. She is an executive producer for Code Blue News, the president of the senior class, a captain on the varsity soccer team and softball team, and the stage manager for stage crew.
You may have noticed that Caroline not only takes part in 7 extracurricular activities at HMHS, and is almost always running the show. This ties back to why she loves Holbrook High in the first place. “I love this school because there are so many different things to do…you’re not just confined to one aspect or club.”
In most schools, there are cliques or friend groups that run different clubs. However, in a town like Holbrook, Caroline Duggan can help run the class of 2020, the school’s television program, 2 different sports, and the fundamental side of theater.
With all of that said, the class of 2020 has been robbed of many senior privileges due to the coronavirus outbreak. Every member of the 2020 class got their last dance taken away from them in their own way. “The coronavirus really affected me because the end of the year was the time I had the most to look forward to. For me, it was far more than just senior week, graduation, and the things everyone had to look forward to. In the spring, I was supposed to have my final softball season, which is what I look forward to every year. I’ve grown up playing it, so softball means a lot to me, especially at HMHS because my team is so special. And because the show [West Side Story] was the last show that I’d be doing, and I made a lot of friends through theater.”
While many seniors can’t find positives in the situation, it has helped Caroline in an unexpected way. “My plans going forward were made kinda easier by corona. If only because it gave me an extension to figure everything out. I had more to sit and figure out what I wanted to do with my future and decide what college I would go to and what my major would be.” In the end, Caroline decided to go to Stonehill College to major in communications.
“I don’t exactly know what I want to do after college. I just know that communications are something that I wanna learn more about and be more involved in.”
“It would be cool to work on the set of a television show. I’ve always thought it would be cool to work for ESPN”.
“My best advice is extremely basic but just enjoy high school. High school sucks a lot of the time but the memories that you make yourself or with friends are some of the best things you have to look back on when you’re a senior so close to graduation”.
Caroline Duggan has come out of high school with the ability to work in any environment. Her charisma, work ethic, and sense of humor will likely get her far wherever she goes in life.
MATT: “Do you have any other thoughts?”
CAROLINE: “Not anything that’s interesting. But I do have a lot of thoughts.”