Fanatic Bulldog Fan Friday
October 22, 2016
The last day of homecoming spirit week was Fanatic Bulldog Fan Friday. This is the day of spirit week where the students and faculty come together and compete against one another. The pep rally is started with a scream fest. Each grade has the chance to prove their spirit by seeing who can scream the loudest. The class of 2017 seniors made a grand entrance as they ran into the gymnasium screaming the loudest, showing the other grades how it’s done.
The blue and white filled gym settled down as it was now time to applaud the fall sports teams. This includes volleyball, cross-country, soccer, and football. Once all athletes were appreciated for their excellence it was time for the teacher versus student competitions to begin.
Holbrook High is definitely known for being unique. This was clearly demonstrated when students competed against their teachers in hot wing contests, leap frog races, wheelbarrow races, and many more crazy competitions. The gymnasium was filled with nothing but laughter.
With the competition coming to an end Robbie Clayton set the students up for victory as he made the 3-point shot, beating Mr. Espie, leaving just the dreaded frozen T-shirt, which Declan Hiltz and Dan Benevides handled deftly to give the students another win. The gymnasium went wild with excitement.
Again everyone settled down to hear about which grade had won spirit week. With the freshman class of 2020 coming in second, the school was pleased to announce the class of 2017 has come in first, winning spirit week. Congratulations to everyone who participated and never stop showing your bulldog pride!